River Resort HOA
October 15, 2010
Mr. Tommy Bare, President
Mr. Norm Vaden, Treasurer
Ms. Melissa Tressler, Board Member
Mr. Don Lamontagne, Blue Coast Property Management, Inc.
Not Attending:
Mr. Darris Williamson, Vice President
Ms. Cheryl
Boswell, Secretary
Mr. Bare called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. A
quorum of the Board was present.
2011 budget
Mr. Vaden reported on the 2011 budget as follows:
-The 2010 dues were reduced beginning August 1, 2010 and the 2011 dues will remain the same.
-The general reserve will not be funded for 2011.
-$1500 per month will be put into an irrigation fund reserve for 2011
-$1500 per month will be put into a tennis/recreation court reserve for 2011.
Mr. Bare reported on a handicap parking sign request from unit 1604.
TO install a handicap parking spot for unit 1604.
Ms. Tressler made a motion to accept.
Mr. Bare seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Lamontagne suggested that a new ionization system be installed in the two pools and Jacuzzi
to replace the chlorine sticks that are currently being used due to the regulation of cyanuric acid by DHEC. The use of the
ionization system will result in softer water with less chlorine. It will also cut down on the algaecides and maintenance
to the pools and Jacuzzi. The cost is approximately $2,500 per body of water.
TO install ionization systems to the two pools and jacuzzi.
Mr. Vaden made a motion to accept.
Ms. Tressler seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
Back/Sunny Pool- Mr. Bare received an email
regarding the cleanliness of the bathrooms. Mr. Lamontagne will address the issue.
Gate Locks- New locks will be installed on
the pool gates so that they close automatically. Mr. Lamontagne will obtain a price to re-key all gates.
Front/Shady Pool- Mr. Bare reported that
12 trees will be removed due to their roots growing towards the pool. This will prevent any future damage from occurring due
to the roots.
Door Frames- Mr. Bare reported that any outside
door moldings in need or repair will be address. The inside door moldings are the responsibility of the homeowner.
Skylights- The board discussed obtaining
a quote to replace the skylights on building 23.
Building Maintenance- Jim Sterner has been
employed to assist in the building maintenance repairs around the property.
Lights at Building 2- The board discussed
the options of possibly adding more lighting to this area. Mr. Bare will discuss with a lawyer the liability issues that may
be involved.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Approved by,
Kristina Ardeljan
Cheryl Boswell, Secretary
Blue Coast Property Management, Inc. Little River Resort HOA BOD