Some have inquired where are the golf deals? If you want to be
a member of the Grand Strand Senior Center on 21st. Avenue in Myrtle Beach (626-3991), the yearly fee is $15.00/year. You
may purchase Golf VIP Cards for $18.00/year. Minimum age is 50. Apply in person on Tuesday or Thursday between the hours of
10 a.m. and 2 p.m.One (1) card entitles 4 players (1 member + 3 guests).
The center has monthly golf outings or you may pick-up VIP cards to area golf courses; most rounds are $25.00 including cart.
The prices quoted are as of 2-24-04 and are subject to change.
You can also apply for membership at:
Myrtle Beach Golf Passport
3420 Pampass Drive
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
Their fee as of January, 2008 is $39.00
Click the link below to go to their website