Quarterly Board Meeting-July 19th
Board Action Requiring Vehicle Identification
At the quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors, April 19th, the Board of Directors implemented a VEHICLE
IDENTIFICATION PROGRAM. Effective July 15, 2008, all vehicles parked in our community must have some sort of vehicle identification
or risk the vehicle being towed. Each owner will be issued two (2) pre-numbered decals. These decals are the static type
and can be transferred from vehicle to vehicle when trading or purchasing a new vehicle. The decal is to be displayed on
the front windshield.
Renters must have a red pass and that pass is to be hung from the rear vision mirror and must contain the
unit number and the expiration date of the lease. These passes must be obtained from Blue Coast Management, our property
management company. Those owners who rent your units through Coastal Properties will not need to do anything to obtain these
passes for your renter. We have issued to Coastal Properties, Judi Vosbrink a quantity of these passes and she will issue
them to the renters of those units.
Visitors staying more than 24 hours must display a white tag. We have issued two passes to every owner.
Each owner should require that these passes be kept handy in the apartment, for use when visitors are here. It is required
that you print your unit number on the pass. This way, if we have to notify you of any problem, we will know exactly where
to go. As with the renters passes, a quantity of these have been issued to Coastal Properties for distribution.
We have been issuing courtesy notices for the past couple of weeks to those individuals who have been parked in our community
without tags or decals. We have also posted four new signs throughout the complex, advising people that vehicle identification
is now in effect.
If you have any questions about this procedure, please contact Don Lamontagne at Blue Coast Management 843-457-4885.