Little River Resort Homeowners Association

September, 2010 Annual Meeting

September, 2010 Annual Meeting
January, 2010 BOD Minutes
October-2010 Board Meeting Minutes
Beach Report
LRR Emergency Contact Information
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Layout of Complex
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Recognizing A Stroke
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Minutes of September 19, 2009 Annual HOA Meeting
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Articles of Incorporation

Little River Resort HOA






September 18, 2010


Attending:                  Mr. Tommy Bare, President

                                    Mr. Norm Vaden, Vice President

                                    Ms. Cheryl Boswell, Secretary

                                         Ms. Melissa Tressler, Treasurer

                                    Mr. Darris Williamson, Board Member

                                    Mr. Don Lamontagne, Blue Coast Property Management, Inc.



Mr. Bare called the meeting to order at 11:00 am.  A quorum of the Board was present.


Mr. Lamontagne presented proof of notice for the annual meeting.




Motion:          APPROVE ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES OF September 19, 2009.

                        Mr. Vaden made a motion to accept.

                        Mr. Williamson seconded the motion.

                        The motion passed unanimously.


Ms. Boswell reported on the actions by the Board without a meeting as follows:

-Approval of window rebates and installations for units 706, 808, 908, 1302, 1703, 2104, 2301, 2402, & 2507


Motion:          Approve action by the board of directors without a meeting.

                        Mr. Bare made a motion to accept.

                        Mr. Vaden seconded the motion.

                        The motion passed unanimously.





            Mr. Bare reported on the following:

-Illegal Activity: All complaints need to be made to the police department. Horry County Police Department’s telephone number is 843-915-5486. This number is to be used Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. for non-emergency service.  For police service other than the previous hours listed please contact dispatch at 843-248-1520.  For the narcotics division please contact 843-915-8346.

-Issues with Renters: Tips for finding better quality renters will be included in the next newsletter.


Treasurer’s Report


            Ms. Tressler reported on the financial status of the HOA as follows:

                        -Operating: $114,764.76

                        -Reserve: $133,231.10

                        -6 Month CD: $51,417.19

                        -Accounts Receivable: $9,168.35



Motion:           TO Approve treasurer’s report.

                        Mr. Bare made a motion to accept.

                        Ms. Boswell seconded the motion.

                        The motion passed unanimously.




Property Manager’s Report


Mr. Lamontagne reported on the following:


-Building 11 will be the next building to be repaired, followed by buildings 7, 8 & 9.


The board of directors discussed the option of adding a second worker to help with building repairs.





            Ms. Boswell reported on the final ballot count. Mr. Tommy Bare and Mr. Norm Vaden were elected to the board.






Window Rebate- The cutoff date to be eligible for the window rebate was September 15, 2010. The board discussed extending the rebate through the end of 2011. All applications must be submitted for approval by December 31, 2011 and all work completed by February 29, 2012.



                        Ms. Boswell made a motion to accept.

                        Mr. Bare seconded the motion.

                        The motion passed unanimously.




Shady Pool Trees- The trees on the inside of the shady pool will be removed due to the roots growing towards the pool. Palm trees that have died around the property will be replaced this fall.

Sidewalk Repairs- Mr. Lamontagne made a list of areas where the sidewalks are in need of repair. Dave will begin to repair these issues. Yellow stripes will be painted on each side of the sidewalks for safety reasons.

Pine Trees- Buildings 25 and 5 have large pine trees that will be removed from the property. The board discussed replacing larger trees with smaller rooted trees in order to minimize damage that could be caused by large roots.

Security Issues- Tree canopies will be trimmed in order to let the street lights illuminate more of the property. Path lighting will also be increased around the property. Mr. Lamontagne will contact Santee Cooper regarding the installation of more street lights. Excalibur Security is currently being used for routine patrol of the property.



Parking Stickers- Mr. Lamontagne will order new parking stickers for 2011.




Motion:          To adjourn the meeting

              Ms. Boswell made a motion to accept.

            Mr. Williamson seconded the motion.

            The motion passed unanimously.


Meeting was adjourned at 12:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,                                            Approved by,


_______________________________                                      _________________________________________

Kristina Ardeljan                                                       Cheryl Boswell, Secretary

Blue Coast Property Management, Inc.              Little River Resort HOA BOD